Saturday, August 16, 2008

Olympic Swimming - Michael Phelps Wins Eighth Gold!

Michael Phelps has made history by winning his 8th gold in the 4 x 100 individually medley relay. Phelps swam the butterfly leg for the U.S. team and they set another world record time at 3:28.24. Congratulations, Michael Phelps, if there was any doubt, you are the story of the Beijing Olympics.

It was a close race up as the Americans did not get the lead in the backstroke or the breaststroke. It was only until Phelps hit the water for the butterfly that he got the lead for the Jason Lezak to take it home for the freestyle holding off the Australians. Japan came in third.

So that ends the story for Michael Phelps swimming in Beijing, and what a story it was!

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