Monday, August 18, 2008

Nastia Liukin's Controversial Silver in Uneven Bars

Okay, so after all the hub bub about Nastia Liukin's controversial silver in the uneven bars, I finally had a chance to watch it on tv. From my untrained eye and regardless of the fact that He Kexin and Nastia Liukin scored the same, I thought He Kexin had a better routine. It was more exciting and had more release moves than Liukin's. That's my personal preference stuck landing or no.

I'll say it again, I've been very impressed by the composure of the Americans not rising to the bait of stupid reporter questions on how she feels of the fact that the Chinese gymnasts might be underaged. Liukin replied that He Kexin is a great athlete no matter what the age. That's class. And no worries Nastia. People will remember you as the all around champion with a lot of class even more than they will uneven bar champion. That would have been icing. You already have the cake.

Oh, and for those that say gymnastic has a stupid scoring system and what not. True, but these athletes knew what they were getting into. If it's a subjective event, you live by the sword, you die by the sword. Yeah, it would have been nice if Liukin and Kexin could have both been winners but, what can you do?

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